Myanmar ranks 8th among the world's rice-exporting countries in 2023-2024 FY

Myanmar ranks 8th among the world's rice-exporting countries in 2023-2024 FY
Published 1 March 2024

Myanmar ranks 8th among the world's rice-exporting countries in 2023-2024 FY, as reported by Statista.

India leads as the top rice exporter globally, shipping 16.5 million metric tons to foreign markets. Thailand, Myanmar's neighboring country, secures the second position, exporting 8.2 million metric tons.

Vietnam follows closely in third place, with 7.6 million metric tons exported. Pakistan trails behind, exporting 5 million metric tons of rice. Myanmar holds the eighth spot in the top ten rice-exporting countries, with 1.8 million metric tons shipped worldwide.

The leading rice-exporting countries include India, Thailand, Vietnam, Pakistan, USA, China, Cambodia, Myanmar, Brazil, and Uruguay, according to the Statista.

Myanmar anticipates earning US$1 billion from rice exports in the upcoming fiscal year, according to the Myanmar Rice Federation.