Ministry to sell more than 4400 low and fair-cost housing apartments

Ministry to sell more than 4400 low and fair-cost housing apartments
Published 11 April 2019

Construction Ministry plans to sell 4,452 low and fair-cost housing apartments in 2018-2019 fiscal year in Yangon Region, said

Kyaw Lin, Deputy Minister for Construction.

In a bid to enable the people to own their houses, the Construction Ministry started introducing the housing mortgage loan system since August 1, 2016.

Until January 31, 2019,  more than 25,000 people have deposited over Ks 23 billion. The CHID Bank granted a loan of Ks 35.17 billion to 2,720 house buyers. The CHID Bank is working on infrastructure development, according to the explanation of the deputy ministry in the State-owned newspapers, about the undertakings of the construction ministry during the third term of the incumbent government.

Under the JICA ODA Loan scheme, the ministry will sell some low-cost housing apartments through the long-term low-interest housing loan system. Since around mid-February, those who want to buy houses have registered their names, according to the Urban and Housing Development Department.

Low-cost and fair-cost housing apartments are located in Dagon Seikkan and Hlaingthayar Townships.