Loikaw airport hit by rockets: SAC

Loikaw airport hit by rockets: SAC
Published 25 December 2021

LOIKAW-----When Myanmar National Airlines (MNA) aircraft landed at the Loikaw airport, Kayah State, yesterday morning, a combined Karenni National Progressive Party and People’s Defence Force (PDF) attacked the Loikaw airport with rockets, according to State Administration Council (SAC).

The MNA’s plane carrying 64 passengers leaving from Yangon to Loikaw Township was fired on by 107 mm rockets from the villages situated in the west of Loikaw Township, according to SAC’s report.

The SAC also reported that the rockets exploded at the places which are the distances of about 2,000 kilometers from east and south-east of Loikaw airport. However, there were no reports of injuries or damage to the airport and buildings.

Later, the plane carrying 38 passengers left from Loikaw airport to Yangon on the same day, according to SAC’s report.