Kalay industrial zone produce Turbines for Chin State

Kalay industrial zone produce Turbines for Chin State
Published 10 December 2018
Aung Thu Tun

Kalay industrial zone will produce turbines to be used in hydro power plants that are to be built in places where electricity can’t reach in Kachin State.

“It takes 2 months to produce a turbine in a factory. We specialize in producing turbines for use in mountainous regions.  We are very pleased after installing the turbines and Chin people were able to illuminate their homes and to cook with rice cookers. When requests were made from villagers, we have to conduct field trip to villages ad calculate details necessary for producing the turbines. Some villages needed 15 or 20 or 25 KV. When installing them, it is very difficult because transportation is not easy in these places. Villagers also helps out during the installation while we help them with the technological know-how. We need detailed calculations of pipe installation system, geographical conditions and water storage there. We produce turbine plates and pipes and these are producing here. Our pipes are cheaper than the original ones. We have to go to villages and produce turbines according to their desire. For example, 50, 75, 100 Kilowatts. If a village has 100 houses, it will get electricity for 24 hours that they can use for cooking. Some have said that they will assist me in getting loans from SME but I am not hoping for it. I am dependent on myself only”, he continued.

For transporting of turbines in Chin State, roads are inaccessible.

Win Bo continued to say that he is always in contact with villages where turbines have been installed. Head of villages always keep me updated on strong and weak points after the installation process.