Putao reports a significant decline in prices of rice and fuel since June 24

Putao reports a significant decline in prices of rice and fuel since June 24
Published 28 June 2024

The prices of rice and fuel have significantly dropped in Putao since June 24 according to locals of Putao.

In Myitkyina, recent disruptions caused by the KIA armed group have led to significant price hikes in essentials like rice and fuel oil. Following the closure of a section of the Putao road, the price of rice surged to Ks 350,000 per bag, while fuel oil soared to nearly Ks 100,000 per liter.

However, as of now, the price of rice has stabilized at Ks 170,000 per bag, and fuel oil is priced at 12,000 kyats per liter.

Residents in Putao expressed their concerns about the situation. 

"The price of rice is now Ks 17,000 per bag. You can buy as much as you need. Fuel costs Ks 12,000 per liter. However, today we are unable to buy it again. Myitkyina has been facing fuel shortages for some time now. People are rushing to purchase fuel," a local resident reported. 

Despite the challenges, farmers are continuing their work in the fields, and there is optimism that essential goods will continue to be supplied to the market, albeit amidst increased demand and crowded conditions.