JMC briefing calls for an enduring ceasefire

JMC briefing calls for an enduring ceasefire
JMC briefing is in progress at Lotte Hotel in Yangon on August 14.
JMC briefing is in progress at Lotte Hotel in Yangon on August 14.
Published 15 August 2019
Min Naing Soe

All stakeholders should work together for the emergence of an enduring ceasefire as the Joint Monitoring Committee (JMC) alone is unproductive, said Ko Ko Gyi, Vice-Chairman (2) of the national-level JMC. 

The remarks came from the opening introductory speech of Ko Ko Gyi to JMC Briefing held at LOTTE Hotel in Yangon on August 14. 

“Only JMC is not effective enough for the emergence of an enduring ceasefire. All stakeholders, of course, should cooperate in the implementation of the ceasefire. The enduring ceasefire needs cooperation,” said Ko Ko Gyi.

Peace process is now running slow and that civilian representatives are leading public meetings and briefings to make the people reduce worry about the delay of the peace process. JMC courses and briefings are being held in collaboration with the organizations concerned and CSOs, said Ko Ko Gyi.

At present, friendship and trust between committee members of the JMC can be built to some degree. The JMC is constantly trying to further strengthen trust so that the people and CSOs will cooperate with the JMC, said Ko Ko Gyi.

“It takes much more time to build trust, but it can be broken down any time or even a day and it is a natural phenomenon. Therefore, we are careful carrying out the implementations,” said Ko Ko Gyi.

The official meetings on peace process including the JMC are not running fast and the civilian representatives, therefore, organized to hold the JMC briefing. Previously, the government, the Tatmadaw and ethnic NCA signatories led the functions of the JMC.

Translated and Edited by Win Htut