Five including a child wounded in two bomb attacks on Amarapura Police Station

Five including a child wounded in two bomb attacks on Amarapura Police Station
Published 2 May 2023

Amarapura Police Station in Mandalay City was attacked with launcher bombs two times within a day causing some injuries, local sources said.

At about 6 am on May 1, the police station located by Sagaing-Mandalay Road in Zaygyo Ward, Amarapura Township, was attacked with a launcher bomb. But, the bomb dropped near a home next to the police station, and no one was hurt.

However, another bomb dropped near the staff quarters in the police station compound at about 10 am. About five people from the staff quarters including a child were wounded after being hit by shrapnel.

They are now receiving hospital treatment, but the child who was wounded in the head is said to be in serious condition.