Firefighters rescue a drunken man from a telecommunication tower in Thanbyuzayat

Firefighters rescue a drunken man from a telecommunication tower in Thanbyuzayat
Published 24 November 2022
Bo Bo Myint

Firefighters rescued a drunken man from a telecommunication tower in Thanbyuzayat Township as he was unable to come back down, according to the Rescue Team of Thanbyuzayat Township Fire Services Department and Social Aid Relief Associations.

A drunken man went to the top of a telecommunication tower in Phong Sein Ward, Thanbyuzayat Township at around 8:30 pm on November 23.

The man is a resident of Phong Sein Ward and after climbing the MPT telecommunication tower in the neighborhood, he was stuck in the middle of the tower and unable to come down. The Rescue Team of Thanbyuzayat Township Fire Services Department along with emergency social assistance teams from Thanbyuzayat Township rescued him using emergency evacuation ropes to bring him down to the ground with difficulty, said an official of the Saetanarshin social assistance association.

“When we arrived, we learned that the man was drunk and climbed the tower. When he got to the middle of the tower, he couldn't get back down. He looked like he was very drunk. He can't even walk. The firefighters had to lower him back down using emergency evacuation ropes. The man was struggling when he was lowered from the rope, so he got a few bruises” he said.

After that, he was sent to the Thanbyuzayat Township Public Hospital by an ambulance from the Saetanarshin Social Assistance Association.