Equipments installed at Buthidaung Hospital for mini blood bank

Equipments installed at Buthidaung Hospital for mini blood bank
Published 15 October 2018
Ei Thinzar Kyaw

YANGON- With the assistance of Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), equipments are being installed at the Buthidaung Township Hospital in Rakhine State with the goal of forming a mini blood bank, according to the Ministry of Health and Sports.

The construction of the small-scale blood bank is at about 70 percent progress.

“The Public Health Department announced that the hospitals and clinics in Rakhine State are places of protection for those who desire to receive healthcare services. Moreover, the department is now providing healthcare services to the locals without discriminating race or religion. Currently, medical healthcare is being provided in Sittwe, Thetkeipyin, Myaung Bwe, Buthidaung, Zedi Taung, and Maungdaw hospitals. In addition, with the assistance from JICA, a small blood donation bank will be built at Buthidaung hospital,” said a health official from Public Health.

In 9 townships within Rakhine State, there are 11 district hospitals. Houses and staff quarters for medical staff and new treatment buildings are being constructed. Union government and Rakhine State government are implementing plans provide equal healthcare to all people in Rakhine State without discriminating race or religion as well as their citizenship status.

For the safety of those undergoing medical treatment, hospitals and clinics are designated as protected zones in Rakhine State. Medical treatment is being provided in Sittwe, Thetkeipyin, Yathaedaung, Buthidaung and Maungdaw Township hospitals. 

Moreover, treatments on curing malnourishment are promoted in Rakhine State. Preparatory measures are being carried out for those returning back from Bangladesh including pregnant women and infants, including newborn babies, according to Ministry of Health and Sports.

To be able to provide necessary food to malnourished patients, cooperation is being carried out with World Food Programme (WFP) while WFP supplies the necessary supplements and vitamins.

Based on the Rakhine State advisory committee’s suggestions given in the final report, the Ministry of Health and Sports is implementing Rakhine State Health Development and set goals for short term plan for October 2017 to December, while mid-term plan is set from January to December 2018. Besides, implementation researches will be conducted. The long term plan is set from January 2019 to December 2022.