Embankment collapse destroys about 200 acres of paddy fields in Kalay

Embankment collapse destroys about 200 acres of paddy fields in Kalay
Published 7 August 2020

As the collapse of embankment in Natmyaung creek in Yarzagyo village, Kalay Township, Sagaing Region, about 200 acres of paddy fields have been damaged, say the farmers.

Heavy rain continuously poured down in Kalay Township for about three days. Thus the embankment in Natmyaung creek broke from the force of water during the night of August 5th. Later, the water flowed into the paddy fields.

“The embankment was built in 2019. But, it was broken down in the same year. And then, it is renovated this year. But, the renovation of the embankment wasn’t durable. So, it has broken down. Paddy fields are being submerged. Among 380 acres of paddy fields, about 200 acres were destroyed. It is very difficult to cultivate the paddy again,” said one of the farmers.

As the Ayeyawady River is swelled, the locals from Yaybawgyun village situated between Aunglan and Thayet Townships in Magway Region, fled to safer places. Moreover, they faced the danger of snakes and shortage of cattle food.

“As the water increased, we moved onto a safer place about four-mile distance from our village. Mainly, we sheltered at a place which can accommodate our cattle. We already faced cattle food shortage. Moreover, we cared about the snakes. We found about 25 snakes in a day. Currently, our difficulties are accommodation and cattle food shortage,” said a local from Yaybawgyun village.

In Yaybawgyun village, there are over 400 houses comprising over 1,400 family members and over 500 cattle. 

If the Ayeyawady River will rise, the whole village will have to transfer to the downtown of Thayet and Aunglan Townships.