Dhaka seeks support of foreign countries

Dhaka seeks support of foreign countries
Published 17 March 2020


The Daily Star/ANN

Bangladesh has sought support from other countries to provide safety and care to the Bangladeshis residing abroad while assuring that foreigners in Bangladesh would be taken care of during the global coronavirus outbreak.

Briefing foreign diplomats at state guest house Padma yesterday evening, Foreign Minister AK Abdul Momen called on all countries to stand united and support each other in all possible ways in addressing this enormous public health challenge that can paralyze the whole world.

"Our missions in your countries are observing the situations closely. They are in constant touch with the local administrations and are fully cooperating with them.

"We request the governments of your countries, through you, [your] excellencies, to extend necessary support to the embassies and consulates of Bangladesh in your countries so that they can perform their duties in this challenging time," Momen said.

There are more than one crore Bangladeshis working and residing abroad, mostly in the Middle East. Many Bangladeshi expatriates also live in Europe, especially Italy and the UK, and even in the USA and Canada.

He assured the foreign diplomats stationed in Bangladesh that the government will stand beside all foreigners living in this country and will support and care for them in case of any issue related to Covid-19.

"Let me also take this opportunity to reassure you that diplomats working here in Bangladesh are our honoured guests, and we will take all necessary steps to ensure your safety and wellbeing in this difficult time," the foreign minister said.

The coronavirus pandemic has now spread to 143 countries, killing some 6,000 people and infecting almost 154,000 people all over the world.

Europe has been declared the epicentre of Covid-19 now.

Authorities in Bangladesh detected eight positive cases of Covid-19, but nobody has died. Among various measures, Bangladesh has suspended flights from all of Europe, except for England, and closed all schools from today until March 31.

Momen briefed the diplomats of the measures taken by the health authorities in Bangladesh to prevent Covid-19 and take care of those infected.

Noting Bangladesh's decision not to allow people coming from Europe into Bangladesh for the time being, he said the authorities have taken this measure on a purely temporary basis -- till 31st March 2020. He pointed out that this measure is not applicable to people with diplomatic passports or laissez-passers posted in Bangladesh. Also, people are allowed to leave Bangladesh for Europe.

Bangladesh believes in working together with all countries -- regionally and globally, he said, adding that Bangladesh is also engaged regionally under the SAARC Mechanism to prevent the spread of Covid-19 and to address the situation and issues arising out of it.

Minister Momen, state minister for foreign affairs Shahriar Alam and foreign secretary Masud Bin Momen, along with foreign diplomats, flew balloons on the occasion of the yearlong Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman's birth centennial celebrations beginning today.