Continuous rain floods over 80,000 acres of farmland in Bago

Continuous rain floods over 80,000 acres of farmland in Bago
Published 19 October 2023

The continuous rain in Bago Region this month flood over 80,000 acres of farmland destroying over 4,000 aces, according to Bago Region Government.

Since first week of October, there had been continuous heavy rains in Bago Region. Comparing the same figure, Bago region saw 38 inches of rainfall. As being of October 17, 87,012 acres of monsoon paddy fields were flooded, says the Bago Region Government.

With the aim to reduce damaging farmland acres, the relevant authorities used the machines of paddy harvesters for damaged monsoon paddies.

The Bago Region Chief Minister also inspected damaging farmland acres. Likewise, fishing ponds were impacted by torrential rains.

The rain that fell on October 8 set a new record for Bago town in 59 years. The new record rainfall was 7.87 inches, beating the previous record of 5.75 inches set in 2018.

After the record rainfall, not only the townships in Bago Region, but also in Bago town were flooded from the night of October 8.

It is the fourth time that the town of Bago experienced floods this year.

Due to the continuous heavy rains in Bago, the water level of Bago River already has risen. So, the team led by Bago Region Fire Services Department sent the flood victims to the monasteries and relief centers. Moreover, the special rescue members from Headquarter of Myanmar Fire Services Department left for Bago region on October 9 aiming to carry out rescue activities.

As there have been floods in low-lying wards and villages due to the continuous heavy rain in Bago, 29 temporary flood relief camps are being opened in 11 wards and six villages and the authorities and wellwishers provided drinking water bottles, food and medicines at the camps.