Business persons have not been barred from going abroad: SAC Spokesman

Business persons have not been barred from going abroad: SAC Spokesman
Published 20 May 2022

Maj-Gen Zaw Min Tun, spokesman of State Administration Council (SAC), dismissed rumors that the SAC is barring business persons from going abroad. 

“In 2021, we had many challenges in financial sector, especially in banking industry. As a government, we helped some prominent banks during these challenges. Some banks were close to near collapse due to the result of unsystematic implementation. We are still giving supports to these banks. The majority of the business people are from or connected to the bank sector and they are bank owners. We had to summoned them and held discussions with them. We found that there were many rumors concerning the news. In reality, bank owners and business people have to go abroad. As a government, we have to put the right path in politics, economics, and administrative sectors. We are doing these works for the sake of the nation and the people. We are striving for the systematic and firm development in these sectors,” said Maj-Gen Zaw Min Tun, spokesman of SAC and deputy Information Minister.

U Khin Shwe, owner of Zay Kabar Company and his son Zay Thiha as well as U Chit Khine, owner of Eden Company Limited, who are among top businessmen of Myanmar business sector,were recenlty detained. U Chit Khine was detained due to corruption charges in relations to the Tekyit coal power plant project.

 Nang Lang Kham, the Deputy Chief Executive Officer of KBZ Bank and the eldest daughter of prominent businessman U Aung Ko Win, was allegedly interrogated at Yangon International Airport on the morning of May 9 while traveling to Bangkok, Thailand.  Maj-Gen Zaw Min Tun, spokesperson for the State Administration Council (SAC), denied these allegation.