Thai Embassy in Yangon processes up to 400 migrant worker visa applications daily

Thai Embassy in Yangon processes up to 400 migrant worker visa applications daily
Published 7 June 2024

The Thai Embassy in Yangon announced that 400 applicants can apply for migrant worker visas daily at the Thai Embassy in Yangon.

Migrant workers can apply at the rate of 400 people per day, and MoU companies will be able to apply only after booking through the embassy's website. It will take about three days to apply for a visa. For example, if you apply for a visa on Monday, you will receive your visa on Wednesday, according to the Thai Embassy.

Things to be aware of when applying for a migrant worker visa through the embassy are the need to make a booking through the embassy website, the need to apply for a visa according to the date received, the need to check the correctness of your personal information if you get a visa, and purchase flight tickets only after checking.

Migrant worker visas are valid for 90 days from the time the visa is issued, so companies can make other preparations needed to leave during that time. This visa is allowed to stay for up to two years and is allowed from the day of entry without additional fees. The embassy will not solve the subsequent problems for the needs and negligence of the subject in applying. In addition, it will not accept pressure to obtain a visa before three days, announced the embassy.