Authorities salvage a submerged vehicle from Ayeyawady River

Authorities salvage a submerged vehicle from Ayeyawady River
A team salvaged the submerged car
A team salvaged the submerged car
Published 8 November 2018
Yan Paing

A local man found a submerged vehicle in the Ayeyawady River owned by Aryuparla Wattoe (North) healthcare services near Shinphyuhla Village, Sagaing on November 7, sources said.

He reported it to respective authorities and the vehicle was successfully lifted from the river water in the evening.

“We didn’t find anything except silts inside the car. It seemed that the car has been submerged for months. We are investigating whether the car went down from the road or had drifted along from some other place. We are also trying to find out who drove the car. We made contact with the Aryuparla Wattoe (North) healthcare services. I think the vehicle is from Kanbalu,” said Police Inspector Zaw Tun, head of No.2 Sagaing Township police station.

The civil societies and locals tried to salvage the vehicle using ropes but they did not succeed. The authorities were informed and divers were sent so that they could attach ropes to the vehicle. A ship was also used to reeled the vehicle out from the water and it was lifted onto land using a crane.