Two die in ambulance crash in Shwepyitha Township

Two die in ambulance crash in Shwepyitha Township
Published 17 October 2023

A car accident took place near 14 Junction in Shwepyitha Township, Yangon Region, yesterday night, leaving 2 dead.

An ambulance from We Love Care Burma Social Organization carrying a patient at night of October 16 swerved to avoid apedestrian but collided with a truck parked beside the road.

“The accident took place on the way to the hospital when we took an emergency patient. It was a dark street. As we avoided the pedestrian crossing the road, we collided with the truck beside the road. One of the volunteers died on the spot and the patient died in hospital,” said an official from We Love Care Burma Social Organization.

Moreover, the ambulance driver is now receiving medical treatments at the Insein Hospital.