The Fifth UN Global Road Safety Week held in Mandalay, Bago and Kalay

The Fifth UN Global Road Safety Week held in Mandalay, Bago and Kalay
UN Global Road Safety Week is in process in Bago. (Photo-Maung Aye)
UN Global Road Safety Week is in process in Bago. (Photo-Maung Aye)
Published 7 May 2019
Aung Thu Tun + Maung Aye + Lei Lei Aung

 The Fifth UN Global Road Safety Week organized by National Road Safety Council of Yangon Region was held in Mandalay, Bago and Kalay on May 6.

The week campaign will give educative talks on road safety and traffic rules at the five designed places in Mandalay from May 6 to 11, according to Road Transport Administration.Stickers will be distributed to the vehicles and new signboards will be erected. Sticker campaigns were launched in front of the Office of Road Transport Administration.

“The First UN Global Road Safety Week was held in 2007, the second in 2013, the third in 2015, and the fourth in 2017. The fifth is held in 2017. The main aim is to ensure road safety to the commuters. The occurrence of road accidents is on the rise. It is also aimed at reducing the occurrence of road accidents and remove possible dangers to the life of the people,” said Khin Sabei, Director of Mandalay Region Road Transport Administration.

Similarly, the Fifth UN Global Road Safety Week was held in Bago on May 6. The sticker campaign was launched and pamphlets were also distributed in major places in Bago. Educative talks on traffic rules and road safety were held.

Likewise, the Fifth UN Global Road Safety Week was held in Kalay on May 6. The sticker campaign was launched and pamphlets were also distributed in major places in Kalay. Educative talks on traffic rules and road safety were held.

Translated and Edited by Win Htut