State Peace Talk Team and 5 ethnic armed organizations signed final agreements reached from three days meeting

State Peace Talk Team and 5 ethnic armed organizations signed final agreements reached from three days meeting
Published 30 December 2022

The third day meeting between State Peace Talk Team and the delegations from 5 ethnic armed organizations, who were NCA signatories, was held at the National Solidarity and Peacemaking Centre in Nay Pyi Taw on December 29.

Present on the occasion were State Administration Council Member Union Minister at the Government Office Chairman of the National Solidarity and Peacemaking Negotiation Committee-NSP-NC Peace Talks Team Leader Lt-Gen Yar Pyae and members — SAC Member Lt-Gen Moe Myint Tun and NSPNC Secretary Lt-Gen Min Naung— and NSPNC members Lt-Gen Min Naing, Lt-Gen Win Bo Shein, Lt-Gen Aye Win and Colonel Wunna Aung, and leaders of ethnic armed organizations-EAOs — signatories to the NCA — Patron sKhun Okkar of the Pa-O National Liberation Organization-PNLO, Vice-Chair Saw Mra Yazar Linn of the Arakan Liberation Party-ALP, Chief of Staff Saw Steel of the Democratic Karen Benevolent Army-DKBA, Vice-Chair Dr Naw Kapaw Htoo of the Karen National Union/Karen National Liberation Army-KNU/KNLA-PC (Peace Council), Vice-Chair Kyar Phu of the Lahu Democratic Union-LDU and representatives of peace talks.

They later discussed again the final agreements reached from three days meeting. Confirmed and then signed.

Afterwards, Lt-Gen Yar Pyae, and PNLO Patron Khun Okkar on behalf of the participating EAOs, gave their closing remarks.