Some clinics administer fake COVID vaccines: FDA

Some clinics administer fake COVID vaccines: FDA
Published 18 August 2023

The Department of Food and Drugs Administration (FDA) issued a notice that some clinics administered fake COVID vaccines which have been illegally imported online.

The notice highlighted that specific clinics and online platforms have been utilizing unlawfully imported COVID vaccines including Moderna COVID-19 Bivalent Original and Omicron BA4/BA5 vaccines, as well as fake vaccines with Lot No AS7185B (Exp Date: 4 July 2023) and Lot No AS7144B (Exp Date: 12 May 2023).

The Ministry of Health recommended receiving COVID-19 vaccinations solely through the official MOH programme available in states and regions.

The FDA advised individuals to exclusively use medicines bearing a Myanmar FDA Registration number. This practice ensures that the registration, manufacturing, and import of drugs adhere to established standards to ensure safety and quality.