Shops in Mandalay targeted by armed robbers in daytime heists

Shops in Mandalay targeted by armed robbers in daytime heists
Published 4 June 2024

Incidents of armed robbery have been reported at several shops in Mandalay city, occurring during morning and daytime hours.

On June 4, around 10 AM, a group of approximately four individuals, both men and women, armed with knives, robbed the YT Boutique clothing store located at the corner of 60th Street and 32nd Street in Pyigyimandaing Ward, Chanayethazan Township.

The four robbers threatened two female employees inside the store with knives, taking their two phones, a gold necklace, earrings, and around 100,000 kyats in cash. The employees were then locked inside the bathroom.

Similarly, on June 2, a phone shop on 26th B Street was also robbed by individuals armed with knives, who stole phones and money.