Seven townships set new temperature records

Seven townships set new temperature records
Published 17 March 2020


Daytime temperatures in seven townships hit a record high on 14 and 15 March, said Dr. Kyaw Moe Oo, Director-General of Department of Meteorology and Hydrology. 

Yankalaung Township set a new temperature record of 28 degree centigrade on 14 March, breaking its old record of 27.8 degree centigrade on 27 March, 2004. 

Kyauktaw Township set a new temperature record of 40 degree centigrade on 14 March, breaking its old record of 39.8 degree centigrade on 29 March, 2014. 

Ann Township set a new temperature record of 41 degree centigrade on 14 March, breaking its old record of 40.5 degree centigrade on 13 March, 2020. 

MraukU Township set a new temperature record of 40.5 degree centigrade on 14 March, breaking its old record of 40 degree centigrade on 21 March, 2001. 

Kayan Township set a new temperature record of 40.3 degree centigrade on 14 March, breaking its old record of 40 degree centigrade on 31 March, 2007. 

Hinthada Township set a new temperature record of 41.6 degree centigrade on 15 March, 2020, breaking its old record of 41.3 degree centigrade on 28 March, 2002.

Ngathaingchaung Township set a new temperature record of 41 degree centigrade on 15 March, 2020, breaking its old record of 40.5 degree centigrade on 20 March, 2016.

Dr. Kyaw Moe Oo, Director-General of Department of Meteorology and Hydrology said: “Daytime temperatures set new records in Kyankalung, Kyauktaw, Ann, MraukU, Kayan, Hinthada and Ngathaingchaung Townships. New temperature records were set in Ann Township twice. There may be new temperature records. It is just the beginning of the summer season. There is over 30 per cent chance for the occurrence of El Nino event. Daytime temperatures are soaring gradually due to the global warming.”