SAC’s Chair stresses the need for peace and stability for an end to the armed conflict to ensure fair and non-threatening election

SAC’s Chair stresses the need for peace and stability for an end to the armed conflict to ensure fair and non-threatening election
Published 18 February 2022

The peace process is being intensified as armed conflicts are needed to end to ensure that the election is fair and non-threatening, said Senior General Min Aung Hlaing, Chairman of the State Administration Council (SAC) and Commander-in-Chief of the Defence Services.

The Senior General said about it on the meeting with officers and other ranks and their families from Mongkhat and Mongyaung stations of Triangle Region Command on February 16, announced the Office of the Commander-in-Chief of the Defence Services.

Stability and peace are needed for free and fair elections. The whole people need to be able to vote as they wish without being threatened in any form. The next election will be a general election, so the whole country must be able to hold free and fair elections in all townships, said the Senior General.

He said that the peace process is being intensified and efforts are being made to achieve political and security stability as soon as possible.

Ceasefire has been made and invitation extended to the peace talks. The SAC is working hard for internal peace and that a union system based on federalism and democracy should be implemented, he said.

The Commander-in-Chief also said that some ethnic armed groups are taking advantage of the political problems caused by the fraudulent 2020 general election.

The Tatmadaw announced voter list inaccuracies in December 2020 and demanded problem solving repeatedly. But there were no action and attempts were made to even call a Hluttaw. Consequently, a state of emergency was declared inevitably and State duties taken over, the Senior General said.

The previous Tatmadaw government shaped a path of multi-party democracy aspired by the entire people. The general election was held in 2011 and NLD was allowed to take part in the 2015 general election. Then, it became the government after winning the election. Since its early rule, the NLD government committed some acts going against the law, he said.

Regarding the peace process, it urged the ethnic armed organizations not to sign the NCA before taking office and showed weaknesses in carrying out the peace process after coming to power, he said.