President urges cooperation for a federal union

President urges cooperation for a federal union
Published 3 December 2018
Reported by EMG

President Win Myint urges all the Myanmar citizens to work for the emergence of peaceful federal union, in his message on the 98th anniversary of Myanmar National Day.

In the the aforementioned cooperative effort, the President went on to state that all nationals must bear in mind the objectives behind the celebration of the national day which are perpetuation,strengthening and  uplifting of the Union Spirit, continued efforts towards a union-wide peace, promoting all-round development of all national races and building a federal democratic nation.

The government is currently in the processing of holding the 21st Century Panglong Summit through cooperation of all of the national races in order to achieve peace across the entire nation. The success gained from there could pave the way to materializing genuine federal democratic rights for all citizens, said the President.

He continued to state that through strong national will, effort and sacrifice by the people to gain independence, Myanmar and its citizens can now stand proud with dignity as part of a sovereign nation. After independence, there arose internal conflicts that had yet to cease due to varied political ideologies and other trust issues which ultimately had cost the nation to severely lag behind in development.

All citizens must make every endeavor with firm determination and through united effort to build a genuinely peaceful federal democratic nation and hand over that esteemed heritage to our young generation. This is the duty all must fulfill with the strong national spirit. Great feats of strength was achieved through complete unity to gain the country’s independence. In the same way, all citizens must exert all effort to build a genuine federal democratic nation.

In conclusion, President Win Myint said that in order to catch up to developed countries of the world,  all citizens must take heed the lessons from history and must join hands for a trly united, peaceful federal democratic nation.