Over 6,200 locals from Hsenwi, Kutkai, Kyaukme, Lashio and Muse townships take shelter in religious buildings and temporary camps: UNOCHA

Over 6,200 locals from Hsenwi, Kutkai, Kyaukme, Lashio and Muse townships take shelter in religious buildings and temporary camps: UNOCHA
Published 1 November 2023

More than 6,200 residents are taking shelter in religious buildings and temporary camps due to the fighting between the Tatmadaw and the three northern alliances in Hsenwi, Kutkai, Kyaukme, Lashio and Muse townships, announced the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA).

In the past few days, the security situation in the northern and southeastern parts of Shan State has significantly worsened due to the intensification of fighting between the Tatmadaw and various ethnic armed organizations. In a statement released on October 27, the three northern alliances, Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA), Ta’ang National Liberation Army (TNLA) and the Arakan Army (AA) have attacked military bases and police outposts in northern Shan State. Since then, there have been intense shootings and heavy weapons fire in eight of the 22 townships in northern Shan State. Therefore, seven civilians, including two children, were killed and nine civilians, including a child, were injured in Chinshwehaw, Hsenwi, Kutkai, Lashio and Namkham townships, it said.

In addition, at least over 6,200 people have been displaced in Hsenwi, Kutkai, Kyaukme, Lashio and Muse townships, of which about 1,000 people are sheltering in forests, and more than 5,000 people are internally displaced, most of whom are sheltering in religious buildings and temporary camps, UNOCHA said in a statement.

Also, it is known that about 500 residents from Chinshwehaw town, Laukkai Township have crossed the border and fled to China, and the number of people fleeing to China is likely to increase, UNOCHA said in a statement.

The roads leading to the north of Lashio town for people fleeing the war are blocked and, communications are down in Hsenwi, Kutkai, Muse, Namkham townships and Kokang Autonomous Region. Power lines in Kutkai Township were damaged due to the fighting, according to UNOCHA.