Over 360 clashes took place in KNU-controlled area of Kawthulay in June: KNU

Over 360 clashes took place in KNU-controlled area of Kawthulay in June: KNU
Published 7 July 2022

More than 360 clashes took place in Kawthulay, an area controlled by the Karen National Union (KNU), in June, announced the Karen National Union (KNU) Central Committee on July 6.

The statement said that daily fighting between the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA), Karen National Defense Organization (KNDO) and coalition forces and security forces and the Border Guard Force (BGF) took place.

A total of 365 major and minor clashes took place in the KNU-controlled area of ​​Kawthulay in June 2022, killing more than 400 and injuring over 330 security forces members and the BGFs, according to the statement.

However, the information team for the State Administration Council announced no report about the casualties of security forces and the BGFs in the clashes in Kawthulay area.

A total of 17 members of the coalition forces of Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA) and Karen National Defense Organization (KNDO) were killed and 28 wounded in the clashes, according to the statement.

In addition, the fighting was intensifying in Ukayitha area, Dupalaya District, the southern area of ​​Kawkareik Township, Kayin State, where KNU’s Brigade 6, is based, the statement said.