Over 200 workers protest against firing of Star World Plastic Factory workers

Over 200 workers protest against firing of Star World Plastic Factory workers
Workers protest in front of World Plastic Factory on January 16 (Photo- Shwe Ya Aung)
Workers protest in front of World Plastic Factory on January 16 (Photo- Shwe Ya Aung)
Published 17 January 2019
Shine Lin Aung

More than 200 workers from about 30 factories including some from Hlinethaya Industrial Zone staged a protest on January 16 demanding the reappointment of 12 Labour Union members who were fired from Star World Plastic Factory in Mya Sein Yaung Industrial Zone in Htantabin Township, Yangon Region.

The protest occurred in front of the factory and will reportedly continue until they reach a settlement.

"All of us are 25. One is a pregnant woman who was not included among those fired. The 24 others were removed for no apparent reason. We made a negotiation at the township office. No compromise was reached. All 24 members of the labour union were fired after fault was found with them," said Aye Aye Aung, one of those fired.

Star World Factory has about 500 workers and the dismissed workers had long service and experience at that factory.

Hlinethaya Township Consumer Goods Workers Association chairman Myo Zaw Htay said cooperative efforts would be exerted to push for the reappointment of them.

"The employer committed a lawless act totally refusing to return their jobs. We will plan to continue and strengthen the protest," Myo Zaw Htay commented.

It has been 21 days since the workers were fired.

Regarding the protest, the factory manager said everything would be done in accord with the labour law.