Myanmar temporarily closes border gate near Thailand amid uncertainty

Myanmar temporarily closes border gate near Thailand amid uncertainty
Published 18 June 2024

Myanmar temporarily closed the border gate in Payathonzu town, located near the Myanmar-Thai border in Kyarinseikgyi township, Kayin State. 

According to local merchants from Payarthonzu town, commodities flow to Thailand was halted on the morning of June 17. Vehicles, including trucks, were unable to pass through the closed gate, leaving everyone puzzled about the sudden closure.

The local merchants typically imported products like onions and fish to Thailand via the Myanmar-Thai border gate in Payarthonzu town. 

Similarly, Thailand imported cosmetics and construction materials to Myanmar. However, the situation became more complicated due to flooded bridges on the Payarthonzu-Kyarinseikgyi-Mudon road. As a result, people spent two or three nights stranded on the road.

While both Myanmar and Thai authorities have legally opened several border checkpoints, including Terchileik-Maesai, Myawady-Mae Soat, Htee Khee-Nantphuyaw, and Kawtthaung-Ranong, the closure of the Payarthonzu border gate remains shrouded in mystery. 

These border gates are subject to frequent openings and closings based on regional security considerations. For now, travelers can officially enter Thailand by holding a passport or a temporary travel permit through the authorized border gates.