More people visit Mae Sot during December holidays

More people visit Mae Sot during December holidays
Published 26 December 2018
Shwe Thein

More people visited Mae Sot via Myawady in this December holiday period, sources said.

An official from the Friendship Bridge at the border of Myanmar and Thailand said pilgrims should report one day in advance to visit Mae Sot to facilitate the border pass process.

Visitors need to pay Ks500 for a border pass, Ks500 for border pass stamp in Myanmar and Baht20 for the border pass in Thailand.

Hotels and guesthouses in Mae Sot are currently full as there are many travellers from Myanmar this holiday period, said Ko Si from Mae Sot.

More visitors spent overnight in Mae Sot as hotel room prices are affordable at a range from Baht350 to 1,500 in Mae Sot and Ks30,000 to 45,000 in Myawady.

“If we pay Baht350, we can have double bedroom in hotels in Thailand. It can cost around Ks16,000 by today exchange rate but it is cheaper than hotel prices in Myawady,” said U Tayote, a tourist.

There are over 3,600 visitors with temporary border passes, which allowed six nights and seven days stay, visited Mae Sot on December 23.

The temporary border pass holders can visit Mae Ramat and Phop Phra in addition to Mae Sot.

Some visited Mae Sot to have medical treatment and some came with a whole family to visit.

They visited Shwe Myin Wun Pagoda, Deikdanaung Pagoda, Michaungkone religious land and Mahawizaya Pagoda in Myawady before their visit to Thailand.

In Thailand, they visited famous places such as Shwe Kyaung, Naga cave, hot spring and Emerald Green Pagoda.