Ministry of Planning and Finance implements on the use of IMF loan on COVID-19: information team leader

Ministry of Planning and Finance implements on the use of IMF loan on COVID-19: information team leader
Published 6 November 2021

Leader of news information team of State Administration Council Maj-Gen Zaw Min Tun said that the use of RCF/RFI loan from the International Monastery Fund (IMF) to Myanmar concerning COVID-19 is carried out by Ministry of Planning and Finance with full responsibility and transparency.

He said these words at the SAC’s viber group where media raised questions that pandemic relief fund of US $ 372 million was missing at the hands of SAC. He said, the first thing he wanted to say was IMF loan. IMF has borrowed Rapid Credit Facility (RCF) and Rapid Financing Instrument (RFI) to combat COVID-19 in Myanmar. Central Bank of Myanmar and Ministry of Planning and Finance in accordance with the procedures signed contracts and got loans twice from IMF.

The first loan of US $ 356 million entered Central Bank on July 1, 2020 and on July 2, 2020, the Ks.490 billion equivalents of US $ 356 million entered to State account of ministry of Finance and Planning.

The second loan of US $ 372.391 million was received at the CB on January 28, 2021.  On January 29, Ks.495.50 billion equivalent of second loan of US $ 372.391 million entered to State account of ministry of Finance and Planning.

The suspension period of RCF is 5 years and loan period is 10 years. For RFI, suspension period is over 3 years and loan period is 5 years. CB has implemented on getting loans while Ministry fo Fiance and Planning implemented on use of loan, he said.

The report of office of the auditor general of the union of Myanmar concerning RFI loan was published on the Ministry’s website, he added.

Economic Relief and Plan-CERP, the Planning and Finance Ministry’s website released a statement on information about purchasing of equipment which worth above Ks 100 million, the COVID-19 expenditures and the costs for COVID-19 prevention and treatment activities. Moreover, the relevant ministries are now carrying out to issue the statement as fourth times. We are going to announce detail information this month,” said Maj-Gen Zaw Min Tun. The donations received for COVID-19, and balances were weekly reported and cash received, and balance from October 25,2021 to October 29,2021 costs for purchasing vaccines can be seen at the Ministry’s website, he continued.

There were detailed lists concerning purchase of COVID-19 vaccines. The final date was 29-10-2021.  On 27-10-2021, the last payment to China Sinopharm Co. also included. What I wanted to say was as a government, we are doing with full responsibility and accountability.

He added that some are working to create misunderstanding between International society and Myanmar and on Myanmar’s COVID-19 prevention, control and treatment processes without observing the report already shared on websites and without asking respective ministries. 
