Johor Sultan: Focus on helping rakyat | #AsiaNewsNetwork

Johor Sultan: Focus on helping rakyat | #AsiaNewsNetwork
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The Star file photo
Published 15 April 2019

JOHOR BARU (The Star) - Now that the new Mentri Besar has been appointed, Johor Ruler Sultan Ibrahim Ibni Almarhum Sultan Iskandar advised the state government to focus on helping the rakyat and developing the nation’s economy.

“The Johor government has long been established, where it has its own tradition and way of administrating itself.

“Those on the outside do not have to start talking about who has the power and how to administer the state,” His Majesty said in a statement on Sultan Ibrahim’s official Facebook page yesterday.

The Sultan also said he hoped the new Mentri Besar, Dr Sahruddin Jamal, is able to carry out his responsibilities with honesty, sincerity, trust and put the interest of the state first.

His Majesty said the state government should not waste time discussing things that were not beneficial, spreading accusations and coming up with stories just to attract or confuse the rakyat.

Sultan Ibrahim added that the sovereignty of Johor, the purity of Islam and the privilege of the Malays should always be protected from being questioned by outsiders who hide behind the struggle for human rights.

Earlier yesterday, Dr Sahruddin, 43, who is also the state Health, Environment and Agriculture Com­m­i­ttee chairman, took his oath of office as the new Mentri Besar of Johor before His Majesty at Balai Mengadap, Istana Bukit Serene.

Dr Sahruddin was appointed as the 17th Johor Mentri Besar following the resignation of Datuk Osman Sapian on April 8.

Sultan Ibrahim was abroad when Osman tendered his resignation last week. The Ruler returned to Johor late on Friday.

He immediately met with Osman, who handed over his resignation, and later to the state opposition chief Datuk Hasni Mohammed on Saturday.