Illegal gold mining boats and its related items seized in Ayeyawady River

Illegal gold mining boats and its related items seized in Ayeyawady River
Published 2 January 2023

Illegal gold mining by about 57 boats and its related items along Ayeyawady River in Bhamaw Township, Kachin State, were seized, according to the announcement of the Ministry of Information issued at night of December 31st.

The authorities who carried out regional security tasks in Bhamaw Township, Kachin State, arrived at a place situated about 150 meters of North-east at Myaceti village in the morning of December 30th where they seized ownerless illegal gold mining by boats and its related items along Ayeyawady River.

The information ministry also reported that the authorities carried out seizure of illegal gold mining boats and its related items in accordance with the law.