Heavy rain may occur in Yangon Region: DMH

Heavy rain may occur in Yangon Region: DMH
Published 26 November 2022

Weather is partly cloudy to cloudy over the Andaman Sea and there may be heavy rain in places in Yangon Region, according to the forecast of the Department of Meteorology and Hydrology (DMH) released on November 25.

Rain or thundershowers will be scattered in Yangon, Ayeyawady, Taninthayi regions and isolated in Bago Region and (Southern and Eastern) Shan, Kayah, Kayin, Mon states with likelihood of isolated heavy falls in Yangon Region. Degree of certainty is 80 %. Weather will be generally fair in Nay Pyi Taw, Lower Sagaing Region and partly cloudy in the remaining regions and states.

Squalls with moderate to rough seas are likely at times off and along Myanmar Coasts. Surface wind speed in squall may reach 30 to 35 mph. Wave height will be about 7 to 9 feet off and along Myanmar Coasts.

The low pressure cell over the Andaman Sea is almost stationary and still persists. It is likely forecast to move northwestwards.

Rain or thundershowers have been fairly widespread in Taninthayi Region and isolated in Kayin and Mon states. Weather has been generally fair in Nay Pyi Taw and Lower Sagaing Region and partly cloudy in the remaining regions and states.

Night temperatures were 3°C below November average temperature in Northern Shan State, 2°C below November average temperatures in Kachin, Chin states and 2°C above November average temperatures in Magway, Bago regions and Southern Shan, Kayah states and 3°C to 4°C above November average temperatures in Nay Pyi Taw, Ayeyarwady Region and Eastern Shan, Kayin, Mon states and about November average temperatures in the remaining regions and states.

The significant night temperatures were 5°C each in Hakha and Tiddim, 7°C each in Putao and Kyaukmae and 9°C each in Heho and Mogok. The noteworthy amount of rainfall recorded were 0.27 inch in Kawthaung, 0.12 inch in Myawaddy and 0.08 inch in Dawei.

Rain or thundershowers will be scattered in Nay Pyi Taw, Mandalay, Magway, Bago, Yangon, Ayeyarwady, Taninthayi regions and (Southern and Eastern) Shan, Rakhine, Kayah, Kayin, Mon states.