Day temperatures soar nationwide

Day temperatures soar nationwide
Published 20 April 2019

Children and the elderly suffer syncope due to heat, heat edema, heat cramps, heat exhaustion and heat stroke as day temperatures continue to soar nationwide.

Due to the impact of the EL Nino in 2016, 35 towns and cities faced the record-breaking temperatures. A total of 55 people received treatment due to heat stroke in 2016 and 15 patients in 2017, according to the figures from the Medical Treatment Department in Nay Pyi Taw.

Dr. Nay Win Thein from the Yangon People’s Hospital said: “Hospitals are on call to provide healthcare to heat stroke patients. No heat stroke patients are received until now.  We received chronic patients and the elderly who suffer exhaustion and fever caused by heat.”

According to the day temperatures released by the Department of Meteorology and Hydrology, the day temperatures in Tanintharyi Region, Shan State (East and South) and Mon State are three or four degree centigrade higher than the normal temperatures in April, Mandalay, Magway, Bago, Shan (North), Chin, Kayah and Kayin, two degree centigrade higher than the normal temperatures and other regions and states saw the normal temperatures.

The significant day temperatures are 44 degree centigrade in Chauk Township and 44 degree centigrade in Magway, Taungdwingyi, Pauk, Taungoo and Bawlakhae Townships. The upper Myanmar may see a slight increase in day temperatures within next two days.