US diplomats arrive in Sittwe

US diplomats arrive in Sittwe
Published 8 November 2018
Than Hlaing (Sittwe)

SITTWE- Three-member U.S diplomatic team including Richard Allbright, the U.S Deputy Assistant Secretary of State under the Bureau of population Refugees and Migration Department accompanied with U.S Ambassador to Myanmar Scot Alan Marciel yesterday evening arrived in Sittwe Township, Rakhine State.

Later, they proceeded to Thetkae Pyin Bengali refugee camp in Sittwe Township and met with Bengali refugees.

The visiting diplomatic team will be meeting with the Rakhine State Government Committee as well as political parties and civic and social organizations separately.

They will visit refugee camps in Buthidaung Township and meet with Bengalis. They also will be holding with a meeting with the locals from Ywama Arakan village, according to the source.

It will be a two-day visit to Rakhine State.