Upgrading of Ygn circular rail lines discussed with Japan

Upgrading of Ygn circular rail lines discussed with Japan
Published 27 November 2018
Shun Le Win

YANGON- Union Minister of Transport and Communications Thant Zin Maung discussed with Japanese ambassador to Myanmar Ichiro Maruyama on projects including upgrading of Yangon Circular Railroad to be implemented with Japanese loans.

“The Japanese ambassador met with the Transport Minister in Nay Pyi Taw. On the occasion, both sides discussed about the projects being assisted by Japanese loans, upgrading of Yangon circular railway lines and railway stations and creation of job opportunities,” said unidentified official from the Ministry of Transport and Communications.

The Myanma Railways is now carrying out the upgrading of upgrading projects of Yangon-Mandalay Railway road including Yangon circular railway lines and upgrading of railway stations with the assistance of ODA loans.

The Yangon circular railway was built in 1958 and with major repairs only done starting this year. A total of over US$ 94 million from state budget and over US$ 206 million loan from Japanese government was funded for the project, according to the Myanma Railways.

The railway is about 29 miles in length and takes 2 hours and 50 minutes to complete the entire circuit. If the upgrading process is finished,  time taken will be reduced to one hour and 50 minutes. About 90,000 commuters rely on the circular railway daily and it is estimated that there will be about 300,000 commuters utilizing the circular train service every day after the upgrades get finished.

The Transport Ministry also announced that Myanmar would implement the construction of Hanthawaddy Airport in collaboration with the Japanese government.

For upgrading the Yangon-Mandalay Railway line, Myanmar will be using US$ 2.7 billion in loans from Japan International Cooperation Agency over a five-year long project which will begin in 2018 until 2023.

Myanma Railways reported that the construction of 116 miles long Yangon-Taunggoo railway line, which is the phase 1 of the upgrades to the Yangon-Mandalay Railway road, would be completed within four years of construction period.

Moreover, Myanma Railways carried out the construction of railroad and installation of automatic signals between Yangon-Taunggoo railroads at the Nyaunglapin railway station on November 11th.