Tourist prone Kayin State mountains under suicide survillenace

Tourist prone Kayin State mountains under suicide survillenace
Published 10 August 2020
Soe Soe (Pha-an)

Under the guidance of the Kayin State Government, prominent mountains in Kayin State such as Zwekabin, Kyar Iin and Taung Waing Mountains will be under surveillance from August 9 to 11 to avoid suicide attempts by those who failed in the 2020 matriculation Examination.

Four checkpoints will be opened in these mountains according to the Fire Brigade Department of Kayin State.

“As the matriculation exam’s result was issued on August 9, investigations will be made to those come to climb these mountains to prevent suicide attempts from 6:00 am to 6:00 pm.” said Thant Zin Aung from Kayin State Fire Brigade Department.

These four checkpoints will be opened near Byaing Htauk village, east of Zwekabin mountain, Tawbon village in west of Zwekabin mountain, one in Kyar In mountain in Pha-An and at the base of Taung Waing Mountain.

A 20 year old woman from Pha-An University committed suicide on June 25 and a student from Distant University committed suicide on July 10 from Zwekabin mountain.

In order to protect Zwekabin mountain image and not to lose human resources, Fire Brigade Members,Police Members and social organizations members are cooperating with the work of monitoring the mountains.

Since 2015, travellers are more interested in and visited Zwekabin mountain and surrounding mountains.