Scorching temperature and insufficient electricity cause shortage of drinking water in Thaton and nearby villages

Scorching temperature and insufficient electricity cause shortage of drinking water in Thaton and nearby villages
Photo: Akyin Nar Twe Lett philanthropic association
Photo: Akyin Nar Twe Lett philanthropic association
Published 28 April 2023
Bo Bo Myint

Scorching temperature and insufficient electricity cause shortage of drinking water in Thaton and some villages near Thaton according to locals and philanthropic associations.

Since the beginning of March, drinking water has been distributed at some wards in Thaton which usually require drinking water in summer but there are some places which also need drinking water this year according to Ko Aung Ko Latt from Akyin Nar Twe Lett philanthropic association.

“Leikin ward in Kyauklone Gyi village side, and Kawsan village faced shortage of drinking water. In Thaton, Nankhe ward, Butar ward, and Kwatthit ward are in need of drinking water. It is mainly because the water in the wells has dried up and some water became unable to drink due to saltiness. The wells in Aung Myin Shwe Bon monastery, water have been dried up since middle of March. We’ve been distributing water to lower Auckkyin wards and some villages and some wards in Thaton,” said Ko Aung Ko Latt.

Akyin Nar Twe Lett philanthropic association has been distributing drinking water with two water bowsers which can hold 2000 liters each, for 12 to 13 times daily. If there are donors who will donate a big water bowser which can hold 4000 liters, more drinking water will be provided to people who are in need of drinking water. Therefore, he wishes that there are donors who donate cash to buy a big water bowser, he continued.

As water shortage is a problem happened annually, he added that his association has been prepared fuel and transportation charges. Currently, the association is need of fuel charges.

As the temperatures are searing much of Myanmar and at the same time, insufficient in electricity caused shortage of drinking water according to locals of Thaton.

“We didn’t get enough electricity. In Thaton, there are artisan wells. But shortage of electricity caused insufficiency in drinking water. If we get electricity regularly even for a restricted time, drinking water problem may reduce to a certain extent,” said a local of Thaton.

“There is a Warpar dam near Thaton. We also get water from the dam in Thaton. But, some water taps didn’t get water. For example, Aung Myin Shwe Bon monastery in lower Auckkyin ward has been distributing water to wards close to the monastery. If there is shortage of water at the monastery, wards surrounding the monastery are in difficulty of water. If water from Warpar dam can reach the monastery, drinking water problems faced in wards close to the monastery will reduce to some extent. In my opinion, if we can build water collecting ponds and water storage ponds in Thaton, drinking water problems will reduce to a certain extent, he added.

At present, Thaton Township and nearly all the townships in Mon State are facing shortage of water. Myanmar Fire Services Department and philanthropic associations have been donating drinking water to places in need of drinking water.