SAC’s Chair meets with a delegation led by the SSPP’s vice chairman (1)

SAC’s Chair meets with a delegation led by the SSPP’s vice chairman (1)
Published 5 August 2022

Chairman of the State Administration Council (SAC) and Commander-in-Chief of the Defence Services and the delegation led by the Vice Chairman (1) of the Shan State Progressive Party (SSPP) held a meeting on August 4 at Bayintnaung Villa in Nay Pyi Taw.

During the discussion, Senior General Min Aung Hlaing said efforts were made to end the internal armed conflicts and the conditions that were implemented to reach the path of multi-party democracy, the situations where discussions must be conducted only through peaceful means in accordance with the law though the right to think and speak freely and rights and needs can be discussed in a democratic system, and the conditions for more participation in the Hluttaw on the political stage for ethnic groups to claim their rights in accordance with the law as the Hluttaw is the highest in a democratic system, announced the information team of the SAC.

In addition, the Senior General called for pragmatic discussion with farsightedness for the benefit of the Union while the ethnic armed organizations should discuss necessary things that should be done for their respective areas and the country. He also discussed matters on practicing multi-party democratic system in conformity with the people’s desire and building the Union based on democracy and federalism.

After that, the Vice Chairman (1) and members of the delegation said they are happy to be invited to participate in the peace talks, and the SSPP will continue to actively participate in the peace talks, the conditions that will lead to the development of a great future union state if all ethnic groups make united efforts, implementation of the multi-party democratic system and they discussed the consensus views regarding the construction of a union based on democracy and federalism and presented issues related to regional development.

After that, the Senior General said that the Tatmadaw will continue to act as the guardian of the country, and the conditions that are being carried out in accordance with the law and the conditions that need to be worked for ethnic groups in accordance with law, rules and democratic practice in order to obtain democratic and federal rights and they discussed the views of both sides regarding regional development issues.

Vice-Chair Deputy Prime Minister Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Vice-Senior General Soe Win, council members General Mya Tun Oo, Lt. Gen. Moe Myint Tun, and Lt. Gen. Yar Pyae, Vice President (2) of the SSPP Khun Hseng and central committee member Sao Naw Lake attended.