Rescuers found 33 bodies in Hpakant landslide

Rescuers found 33 bodies in Hpakant landslide
Photo - Ko Tar
Photo - Ko Tar
Published 18 August 2023
Tun Lin Aung

The bodies of 33 people were recovered from the August 13 landslide in Hpakant, according to the social assistance organizations.

Among those who were recovered, five of them were unknown, so the social assistance organizations cremated them. The list of missing people was not accurate, according to the social assistance organizations.

One of the contributors said, "We recovered eight bodies on August 16. We knew them. We have the missing list of 36 people. The rest is unknown people. Those who died and injured have the kind of injuries on their heads. It was like waves crashing them against the shore."

The Kachin State government has given 500,000 kyats each and Hpakant Township Management Committee has provided 100,000 kyats to the surviving family members of the decease.

The place where the landslide occurred was worked by Jade Leave, Aung Hein Min and Raza Htana jade mining companies and the place where the landslide occurred was the old Kyauk Sein Taung company block, said a Mana villager.

People living near the block said that it was a place where there were a lot of jade scavengers, and because it was Sunday, it was the day of church attendance so the number of casualties was reduced.

At present, the companies in Hpakant area have been suspended from mining, but they are still mining day and night with large and small machinery in various areas with good jade production.

There are always around 300,000 migrant workers who come from all over Myanmar in the Hpakant area, and there are illegal monopolistic mining, jade scavenging in the jade blocks. There are deaths every month due to landslides.

On November 21, 2015, during U Thein Sein's administration, the earth pile near Pha Pyin and Soot Aung villages in Seik Mu village tract, has slipped down for two furlongs and more than 70 shacks where jade scavengers and vendors lived were buried under the ground. There were 130 officially listed missing people, 114 bodies were recovered, and only 84 had owners.

The record-breaking landslide death occurred at Kyauk Myat Shwe Pyi Company (Regional name One Three Company) in La Khu Chaung, Ward 6, Whay Khar Village on July 2, 2020, during the NLD government era, at around 6:00 am. A record breaking of 172 people died, 54 were injured and 19 went missing.