Plan to carry out last stages of project with WB's assistance to be negotiated for Ayeyawady River sustainability

Plan to carry out last stages of project with WB's assistance to be negotiated for Ayeyawady River sustainability
Published 22 May 2019
EMG Reporter

A plan to continue carrying out last stages of the project in use of the assistance of the World Bank (WB) will be submitted and negotiated for the purpose of conserving Ayeyawady River for sustainability, said Deputy Minister Kyaw Myo of the Ministry of Transport and Communications.

The move came from the regular session of the Upper House Parliament in Nay Pyi Taw where Upper House MP Soe Thein representing No. 9 Constituency of Kayah State raised a question about if there was a plan to conserve Ayeyawady, the life-blood of Myanmar, with the assistance of the WB. 

"Last stages of the project to conserve Ayeyawady River, the life-blood of Myanmar, using the WB's assistance will be submitted and negotiated. River course development, silt and water quality control will be studied at the opportune time. Implementation will continue according to Ayeyawady Integrated River Basin Management Project so that Ayeywady River can be conserved for sustainability," said Deputy Minister Kyaw Myo said.

Ayeyawady Integrated River Basin Management Project has been started in October 2015 through the WB's assistance to the value of US$ 100 million. Now it has turned four years. The project will be complete in September 2020. The project is being implemented in three phases—component 1, component 2 and component. 

K-water, DOHWA, ISAN Corporation and Yooshin, the Korean companies, conducted feasibility study to develop water resources and water course in Ayeyawady River in 2014 with the financial assistance of Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport of the ROK apart from Ayeyawady Integrated River Basin Management Project.  

Translated and Edited by Win Htut