Opening ceremony of the Sittway-Kaladan International Jetty held

Opening ceremony of the Sittway-Kaladan International Jetty held
Published 11 May 2023

The opening ceremony of Sittway-Kaladan International Jetty under the India-funded Kaladan Multimodal Transit Transport Project implemented under the India-Myanmar Friendship Program was held on the morning of May 9 at the port of Sittway, Rakhine State.

First, the Deputy Prime Minister and Union Minister, General Tin Aung San, along with officials, welcomed the representatives of Government of India led by H.E. Shri Sarbananda Sonowal, Minister for Ports, Shipping and Waterways at the Sittway-Kaladan International Jetty.

After that, the opening ceremony continued according to the schedule. First, the two countries' national anthems were played, and the Indian Ambassador to Myanmar, H.E. Mr. Vinay Kumar gave a welcome speech and Rakhine State Chief Minister U Htein Lin, Minister for Ports, Shipping and Waterways H.E. Shri Sarbananda Sonowal delivered speeches.

Furthermore, the Deputy Prime Minister and the Union Minister said that the opening of the Sittway-Kaladan International Jetty, which is a part of the Kaladan River Multipurpose Transportation Project, which was carried out with the assistance of the Government of India, is a project that will bring many benefits not only to India, but also to Rakhine State and Chin State. It will be possible to increase the trade between the two countries and the regional trade by connecting the sea routes, inland waterways and roads providing multi-modal transportation. Road connectivity and goods flow between Rakhine and Chin states will improve, and the socio-economic life of the locals will improve a lot and employment opportunities will also be available. It is thankful for the efforts of the two governments as the project creates direct trading services to the regional countries in addition to India through the Sittway port.

In the afternoon, the Deputy Prime Minister, Indian Minister and party met with the members of the Rakhine State Chambers of Commerce at the Royal Sittwe Resort Hotel. During the meeting, they discussed the potential of bilateral trade, trade volume to regional countries through Sittway Port, economic and job opportunities for Rakhine State residents, transport system between Rakhine State and Chin State.