Man jailed for giving scales to judge vows to fight incorrect judicial system

Man jailed for giving scales to judge vows to fight incorrect judicial system
Published 17 December 2019
Tun Lin Aung (Myintkyina)


Paw Lu, who was sentenced to three months in jail for handing weighing scales to a judge during a trial in Kachin State, said he would revolt against the tradition of power being above the law. 

A court first ruled that Paw Lu and Hsai Nu Pan were to be sentenced to 15 days or fined Ks30,000 for their parodical performance on the life of people displaced by war. After the court ruling, he handed weighing scales the judge, leading to another charge for disturbing judicial affairs under section 228 of the Penal Code of Myanmar. 

Paw Lu served his jail term at Myitkyina Prison in Kachin State from September 2 to December 16 this year. 

"I handed the weighing scales to the judge because I see the judicial sector deteriorate and our penalty was unfair," Paw Lu commented. 

He said he would continue to fight against such a tradition of injustice, as an activist. 

"I will continue to conduct education campaigns and demand reform against this incorrect judicial system. As far as we know, the situation is like that ruling comes after superior authorities give the green light over our cases. I don't want there to be power above the law. I will rise against this," he added. 

Paw Lu and the organizer of a play that was shown to mark the eighth anniversary of Kachin war. The court ruled They were sentenced to 15 days in jail or fined Ks30,000. Their sentence was announced on September 2.