Mae Hong Son aglow with fires in satellite night images #AsiaNewsNetwork

Mae Hong Son aglow with fires in satellite night images #AsiaNewsNetwork
Published 10 March 2019

(The Nation/ ANN)-Satellite imagery revealed 124 fire hot spots in Mae Hong Son early Sunday morning, filling the air with unhealthy PM2.5. 

Authorities in the northern province have been battling multiple forest fires day and night.

The level of PM2.5 – airborne particulates 2.5 microns or less in diameter – was measured at 74 micrograms per cubic metre of air, well above the 50mcg safe limit.

Mae Hong Son’s haze and forest-fire control coordination centre cited satellite imagery compiled at 2.12am showing 23 hot spots in Mae Sariang district, two in Mae La Noi, seven in Khun Yuam, 26 in Mueang, 36 in Pai and 30 in Pang Mapha. 

The Pollution Control Department placed PM2.5 levels across the North as of 9am on Sunday between 33 and 80mcg.

Worst off was the tambon of Wiang Pang Kham in Chiang Rai’s Mae Sai district, followed by Jong Kham in Muang Mae Hong Son (74mcg) and Nai Wiang in Muang Nan (65).

PM2.5 levels exceeded the safe limit in Mae Hong Son for five days between March 4 and 10, falling below the limit only on March 6-7.