Local youths to repair Rih Lake

Local youths to repair Rih Lake
Published 1 April 2019
Aung Thu Tun (Kalay)

KALAY- Rih Youths Organization will be repairing the Rih Lake as some parts of the lake had eroded, according to the sources.

“The embankment of the bathing beach near the Rih Lake has been steadily eroded over many monsoons. Now, the heart-shaped form of the lake is being destroyed. The plants near the lake have died out due to the erosion. We want to build concrete walls around the lake in summer. Last year, we said that the walls must be re-built with the assistance of the fund for erecting of concrete stone. But the government didn’t allow it so, us and the Municipal Committee will be leading the repairs of the embankment. If the renovation tasks were not carried out in summer, the embankment will be even more damaged in the coming monsoon. We have been piling rocks for use in rebuilding the embankment, near the lake,” said a  youth from the Rih Youths Organization.

The heart-shaped Rih Lake is situated in Reh Khaw Da Township, Falam District, Chin State , India-Myanmar border and sees many international travelers.  

The Lonely Planet, an esteemed travel guidebook publisher, placed the lake in the top 10 Myanmar destinations in 2017, rating it higher than other popular Chin attractions of Mt. Victoria and Mindat.

As the shape of the lake may be destroyed due to the effect of erosion, the renovation tasks led by the local youths are being started since the beginning of March 28th.

Although report concerning damage of the lake had been submitted to the government, there is no renovation task now.