Ks.300 million robbed from a van in downtown Yangon in morning rush hour

Ks.300 million robbed from a van in downtown Yangon in morning rush hour
Published 25 February 2023

Two people when they came out from a bank after withdrawing cash in Kyauktada Township were robbed by a group of men holding knives and Ks.300 million was taken from them in downtown Yangon in morning rush hour on February 24 according to nearby people in the township.

Two people from a private money transfer company withdrew Ks.300 million from CB Bank in Sakura Tower and went to their vehicle. When they reached the corner of Seikkanthar Road and Maha Bandoola Road, a group of armed men stepped on their vehicle and took Ks.300 million according to those living near the area.

“The incident took place around 10:30 am. A group of men holding knives entered the vehicle of two people who withdrew cash from the bank,” said eyewitnesses who didn’t want to be identified.

According to the Telegram Channel of NOM news agency, a clerk and a driver from Yon Shin money Transfer Company withdrew Ks.300 million from CB Bank in Sakura Tower and drive their way back to their company. At the corner of Seikkanthar Road and Maha Bandoola Road, five men with knives forcedly entered the vehicle and ordered the driver to drive at the entrance of Seikkanthar Road. From there, they transferred the two bags containing Ks.300 million to another vehicle which was already waiting there and fled the place.