Infrastructural development under way in Chin State

Infrastructural development under way in Chin State
Published 10 February 2019

Chin State government is working on necessary infrastructural development, said Chin State Chief Minister Salai Lian Luai.

“China State’s transport system is poor. We are building roads and bridges and paving tarred roads. Chin State has no airport. A new airport is being built in Hpalan Township by the Union government, Chin State government and Ministry of Transport and Communication in the time of the incumbent government. It is expected to open in early 2020. We are working to operate the fight schedules with India, Pakistan, China, Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand and export and import services,” he added.

The Chin State Chief Minister invited local and foreign businesspersons to invest in the mining and agricultural and livestock sectors as Chin State is in a position to ship mining and agro products to international markets by ship via Paletwa.

Dr. Min Zaw Oo, director of Chin State Directorate of Investment and Company Administration said he mainly invited local entrepreneurs to make investments in copper and chromate mining industry along the east mountain of China.

According to the challenges and opportunities for the regional economic development in Chin State, companies from China, Japan and Norway are interested in doing feasibility studies on the heavy hydropower projects in Chin State.