Houli sunflowers in Taiwan in full blossom until end of May | #AsiaNewsNetwork

Houli sunflowers in Taiwan in full blossom until end of May | #AsiaNewsNetwork
Published 6 May 2019

TAIPEI (The China Post) – As Mother’s Day is drawing near, do you have any ideas where you can spend a beautiful day with your loved ones? This year, the picturesque sunflower fields of the Houli Huanbao Park in Taichung are in full blossom since the begin of May.

Chen Da-tien, director of the Construction Bureau under Taichung City Government, said that visitors can either wander in the flagrant sunflower fields on the hills or take a stroll along the trail around the fields on Mother’s Day.

Houli Huanbao Park, a former landfill, was transformed into an ecological park in recent years, thanks to the continuous upgrade of local equipment and the creation of the stunning flower sea, Chen went on. The city government will keep on expanding the summer flower fields to attract more visitors, he added.

In addition to promoting the flower fields, the local government has worked on improving soil properties so that flowers will eventually fertilize the soil and create a sustainable ecosystem. The floral season will run until the end of May, so get don’t wait anymore and get lost in these unique flower fields. Don’t leave without taking some beautiful pictures!
