Homes of two former parliamentarians from NLD sealed in Mon State

Homes of two former parliamentarians from NLD sealed in Mon State
After sealing off MPs homes, a large notice at the entrance of each building reading: “This land and building are confiscated as state property for having connection with the terrorist organization.”
After sealing off MPs homes, a large notice at the entrance of each building reading: “This land and building are confiscated as state property for having connection with the terrorist organization.”
Published 25 December 2021
Bo Bo Myint

MON------The houses being owned by two former parliamentarians from National League for Democracy (NLD) in Mon State were sealed off on December 22nd for having connection with the terrorist organization, according to the sources.

Two former NLD lawmakers were Zaw Zaw Htoo and Dr Khin Saung representing each from No.2 Constituency in Paung and Kyaikhto Townships in Mon State.

The security members and administrative body seized the house of former MP Zaw Zaw Htoo in Paung Township in the afternoon of December 22nd, according to the locals from Paung Township.

Similarly, Kyaikhto dwellers said that the security forces and officials from administration team sealed off the residence and clinic of former MP Dr Khin Saung in northern ward of Kyaikhto Township, in the evening of December 22nd.

 “We found that former MP Dr Khin Saung’s home and clinic had been sealed off around 4 pm of December 22nd. His home and clinic were closed for a long time,” said a local from Kyaikhto Township.

The authorities are opening the files on NLD’s two former MPs Zaw Zaw Htoo and Dr Khin Saung against Section 505 (a) of Criminal Procedure. However, those former MPs are now fleeing.

Dr Khin Saung was an auxiliary central executive member of NLD’s central executive working committee which was formed on November 5.

Dr Khin Saung and Zaw Zaw Htoo won as twice in 2015 and 2020 General Elections.