Action will be taken against those use satellite, radar and radio communication equipment without obtaining a license: SAC

Action will be taken against those use satellite, radar and radio communication equipment without obtaining a license: SAC
Published 23 November 2023

If anyone is found to be providing services or using or possessing of satellite communication, radar communication and radio communication equipment without obtaining a license, they will be prosecuted under Section 67 of the Telecommunication Law, announced the State Administration Council (SAC).

The Ministry of Transport and Communications is supervising the operation of telecommunications services and the use, import and sale of the communication devices orderly in line with the Telecommunication Law. Currently, satellite internet services are being operated illegally in Myanmar, and according to information, it has been found that users are also using them illegally.

According to the Section 5 of the Telecommunications Law and Section 52 (c) of Spectrum Rules, a person, department and organization must apply to the respective department for a business license when they establish and operate a telecommunications service business and when international satellite operators want to provide satellite communications services to end users.

In addition, Section 13 of the Telecommunication Law and Section 33 (a) of Licensing Rules stipulate for licenses when acquiring satellite communication devices (for example, satellite phones), radar communication equipment and related equipment, radio communication equipment (for example, MF, HF, VHF, UHF frequency communication equipment) in order to possess and use, it stated.

The notification stated that providing services, installing, keeping, and using satellite communication devices and engaging in illegal satellite communication services without the required license is prohibited and if it is found to have violated the prohibition, it will take legal action in accordance with Section 67 of the Telecommunication Law, it said.