YESC suffers losses of Ks 11 billion due to power loss

YESC suffers losses of Ks 11 billion due to power loss
Published 10 September 2019


In July, the YESC sustained losses of Ks 11 billion due to 14 per cent power loss even though it has increased the electricity bill, according to the Yangon Electricity Supply Corporation (YESC)’s press conference. 

The YESC held a press conference at its office in Ahlone Township in Yangon. 

In June, the YESC suffered losses of Ks five billion due to the loss of 88.7 million units.  

“There are two types of losses—technical losses and non-technical losses. Technical losses occur due to long power lines and the far distance from sub-power stations. Power losses occur due to the misappropriation by some meter readers,” said Maung Maung Latt, President of the YESC. 

“There are various kinds of misappropriation.  Some people steal electricty from power lines. These facts are losses. Some meter readers are dishonest. A meter reader has to read 1,000 meters from 1 to 5 days. Some of them don’t go to the houses to read meters due to rains or other reasons. They write down estimated meters at tea shops,” he continued. 

The YESC will expose and take action against power theft and misappropriation by meter readers and owners.